CRE Community Clubs

  1. District-wise Community Clubs
  2. Inauguration of CRE Clubs for children
  3. Release of Name Boards, Bye Laws, Logo, E-Posters and Oath for CRE Club members
  4. Inauguration of District Level CRE Program
  5. Weekly meetings with facilitators (Chart)
  6. Events
  7. Celebration of Children’s Day, Constitutional Day, and Human Rights Day 2021
  8. Organizing Drawing Festival for Children
  9. Organizing Essay Competition for CRE Facilitators
  10. Printing, Distribution of Manual for CRE Club and its release by SPD
  11. Compilation of Children Profiles of the CRE Clubs in the Communities
  12. Village Profiles and Socio – Economic Conditions of the Communities
  13. Preparation and Finalization of PRE – Test Questionnaire for CRE Children
  14. Involving Elected Local Body Members and Government Officials
  15. Participation of DLSA Officials and Judicial Officers
  16. Integrating SDG Goals in CRE Module for Children in Communities
  17. Two days Follow-up and Intensive Residential Training for CRE Facilitators
  18. PRE–Test on the knowledge level of Constitutional Rights among children
  19. Regular follow-up of the CRE facilitators through weekly meetings and training programs
  20. Two-day orientation for Coordinators of Jesuits Social Action Groups in Chennai Province
  21. One-day training for Animators and Facilitators of Jesuits Social Action Groups in Chennai Province
  22. Two-day general orientation program for NGO partners and volunteers at Bangalore
  23. Meaningful observance of Constitution Day 2022
  24. Submission of Memorandum by Children from CRE clubs to the Chairperson of SEP Committee
  25. Drawing Festival for children in CRE clubs to celebrate the Constitution Day
  26. Quiz and Essay Competitions for facilitators and interested CRE teachers in Tamil Nadu
  27. Human Rights Day celebrations in CRE clubs in Karnataka and Odisha
  28. Meaningful observance of Human Rights Day and 75th Anniversary of UDHR in Tamil Nadu
  29. Field Visits by team members to CRE Clubs – After effects of the pandemic on children
  30. Effective Online Coordination with CRE Club Facilitators and Matrons in Odisha
  31. Regular visits to CRE clubs in Karnataka and Odisha by partner NGO heads
  32. More girl children taking part in club activities in communities
  33. Participation of children from CRE Clubs in Grama Sabha Meetings
  34. Taking specific SDGs and related targets in CRE Module for Children in Communities